Interface ConnectionParams


  • ConnectionParams


autoConnect?: boolean

wether it should automatically connect after instanciating (default: true)

host: string

the host to connect to (default:

ignoreQueries: boolean

wether query clients should be ignored allover (clientList, events, etc)

keepAlive: boolean

wether a keepalive should get sent (default: true)

keepAliveTimeout: number

sends the keepalive after x seconds of inactivity (default: 250s)

localAddress?: string

local address the socket should connect from

nickname?: string

the nickname to connect with

password?: string

the password to use with the login (default: none)

the query protocol to use (default:


QueryProtocol )

queryport: number

the queryport to use (default: raw=10011 ssh=10022)

readyTimeout: number

time to wait until a timeout gets fired (default: 10000)

serverport?: number

the server to select upon connect (default: none)

username?: string

the username to login with (default: none)

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